Welcome to Episode 28: Will Low Carb Kill You?
In this episode we unpack a Lancet study that the media has just been having a hay day with. In this episode we discuss:
Dr. Matt’s recap of Low Carb USA
Why we have to take observational studies with a grain of salt
Why “Correlation does not imply causation”
The methods of the study
Why food questionnaires are inherintly not very reliable
Relative vs Absolute risk
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Links to refferences from the show:
The orignal Lancet Study: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667(18)30135-X/fulltext
CNN’s report of the study:
BBC News’ report of the study:
The Food Questionaire used:
Robb Wolf’s Keto Masterclass (affiliate link): www.learnketonow.com