Dr Matt’s Keto Cut of 2021: Day 1


Boy oh boy, what a year.

Not to spend too much time lamenting the year of 2020 (I have a whole podcast with my wife Sara Joy about that), it’s time to look forward to the new year. I wanted to give an update about where I’m going in 2021 and the things that I will be focusing on to get back on track with my own personal health and fitness goals. Suffice it to say I did not reach my goals for 2020. That being said, I did learn a lot of valuable lessons that I can take moving forward. Day one weigh-in is 292 pounds. Waist circumference 52 inches.

The plan I have my macros set at about at 1900 calories. I have my protein set at 200 g carbohydrates at 40 g and fat at 100 g. I am on a five day lifting Split. Day 1: push, Day 2: Pull, Day 3: Legs. Day 4 is upper body volume day and Day 5 is a lower body volume day.

I will also be committing to some mindset goals as well including a daily journal and gratitude journal discipline. Last year I made a daily habit of reading a stoic daily reader called the daily stoic by Ryan Holliday and I will be repeating that again this year in addition to starting a men’s devotional Bible reading. I have always wanted to read the Bible completely but never had it in so I figured this year I would make a game plan to do so.

My morning ritual

As uncomfortable as it is to share shirtless and half naked pictures of myself I am doing so not only for accountability but also to let others know that they are not alone. Sometimes when you have this much weight to lose it can be discouraging and sometimes feel impossible to get where you want to go. As someone who has battled over morbid obesity his entire life starting from the age of five and will I’ve had experience losing roughly 300 pounds throughout his life I’m here to tell you that it’s not impossible. So if you are starting down this journey of weight loss and improve fitness feel free to join in with me feel free to reach out if you have any questions I’m here to help.

Day 1 food log
Food log pt 2


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