KDP Episode 030: Mike Berta Talks About his 90% Fat Keto Experiment vs Whole Foods Keto


Welcome back to episode 30 of the Ketodontist Podcast! After a bit of a break, we’re right back at it. Today, we have a guest on the show Mike Berta. Mike has been low carb for a few years, and over this summer performed a self week-long experiment where he tried to consume 90% of his calories from fat to replicate an experiment performed by Dr. John Limansky and Jimmy Moore. His results and specifically his blood markers were…. shocking to say the least.

In this episode we discuss:

How did Mike get started with low carb?

What has been Mike’s experience with keto in the past, and how has it evolved over time?

How having a physician that understands low carb can be of benefit

What prompted him to replicate a week long, 90% fat diet

Did he find fat satiating as claimed in the keto world?

How did this diet impact his blood markers, and how did they respond once going back to his normal diet?

What has been his experience with Ketogains Bootcamps?

How did the two separate experiments differ?


Be sure to check out Mike’s blog post at https://ketogains.com/2018/11/well-formulated-ketogenic-diet-vs-90-fat-ketogenic-diet/

You can reach out to Mike on Instagram. His handle is @ketomyburrito

Also, there are new rounds of Ketogains Bootcamps coming up. A special 4 week bootcamp to get you through the holidays that starts on December 10th. And another to start out the New Year with January 7th. Learn more at www.ketogainsbootcamps.com
Lastly, if you are looking for a smart, no-nonsense approach to getting started with keto checkout Robb Wolf’s Keto Masterclass. You can sign up and support the show at www.learnketonow.com


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