Welcome to the Ketodontist podcast with your host Dr. Matt. We’re here to explore the worlds of low carb and ketogenic diets, primal and paleo lifestyles, and oral and whole-body health. We’re taking the best information from the leading minds in health and wellness and making those worlds collide! This is the Ketodontist podcast.
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This first episode is all about introducing myself, sharing my vision and goals with this podcast, and really opening up about my journey up to this point.
Resources mentioned in the episode:
Marty Kendall’s Optimising Nutrition Website and Blog:
Marty’s epic blog post on Protein Sparing Modified Fast:
Louis Villasenor and his site: www.ketogains.com
Ketogains Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ketogains/
Start with Why by Simon Sinek: http://a.co/guwNBuk
Dr. Standridge’s Dental Office: www.yatescenterdental.com
Instagram: @ketodontist
Twitter: @ketodontist
Ketodontist Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/ketodontist
Get the Transcription for this Episode Here : Ketodontist_Podcast_Episode_00_Audio_Introductions_and_What_Is_Ketodontist