*This episode originally published on 10/24/17
Welcome to Episode 11 of the Ketodontist Podcast! SUPER excited for our guest today. His name is Tyler Cartwright. He is leads the group KetoGains alongside previous show guest Luis Villasenor. This is part 1 of 2.
Tyler has a fascination with learning, reading, and self-improvement as a person. It’s truly a bit of an obsession for him – with a personal library which currently clocks in at just north of 2300 books! At his heaviest he weighed in at 505 lbs, and set out on a journey of self-discovery and leveraged his love of learning with his backgound in science to arrive at a ketogenic diet as a tool for his weight loss. After over a decade of eating a ketogenic diet, and having lost 295 pounds, he has helped to move the Ketogains community forward as one of the most successful communities of contextualized thought on the use of a ketogenic diet and the applications for fat loss, sports performance, and how to help people transform their lives. The Ketogains clients have lost in excess of 20,000 in the last 18 months, and countless lives have been changed because of his insight, common-sense, and practical applications to diet, health, training, and living.
In this episode we discuss:
How Tyler has lost almost 300 lbs over the last decade.
Tyler’s past struggles with his weight.
How Atkins was a great start for him, and how his nutrition has evolved from there.
How he met Luis and how they ended up collaborating for KetoGains.
How Keto seems to attract Questioners and Rebels (ie Gretchen Ruben’s The Four Tendencies)
Why people get so hostile or defensive when discussing nutrition.
Why “Lazy” Keto works, until it doesn’t.
Why there is almost no such thing as “unprocessed” food anymore.
Why extended fasting may not be a great idea for some folks.
And more!
Links and Resources mentioned in the Show
Gretchen Rubin’s The Four Tendancies Quiz: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3706759/Gretchen-Rubin-s-Quiz-The-Four-Tendencies