KDP Ep 014: Getting Back to Basics


*This episode originally aired on 2/5/18

We’re back! After taking a long holiday I was chomping at the bit to get back to talking with you beautiful people. In today’s episode we’re going to the basics.

The amount of misinformation, hype, and infighting in the nutrition world seems to be multiplying daily. We need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and start looking at the foundation of proper nutrition.

In this episode I’m going to get back to explaining what I consider the “proper” way of doing keto, and why we shouldn’t be dogmatic about it.

I also rant a bit on why both calories and hormones matter, and why just like with most things in life, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Links to sources mentioned in the episode:

Report on the health of Kansas: http://ksnt.com/2018/01/29/kansas-is-now-the-sickest-state-in-the-country/

Video of Calorie Counting Ballet Dancer: https://youtu.be/5356zt0JiDY

Public Health Collaboration’s RCT Analysis: https://phcuk.org/rcts/

And if you’re wanting the best comprehensive resource to learn and implement a ketogenic lifestyle safely and smartly checkout www.learnketonow.com


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