KDP Episode 015: What is Sustainable?


*This episode originally aired on 2/12/18

Today’s show is all about a very important topic that just isn’t being talked about enough: the topic of sustainability. There is a lot of fear mongering going on that is anti-meat, stating that is ruining both our health and our environment. This episode is to cut through that misinformation and help clear the air.

Be sure to check out the resources I mention in the show that go into sustainability and regenerative agriculture.

The (ludicrous) article proposing a meat tax: https://www.alternet.org/food/3-reasons-why-meat-tax-good-idea

The counter argument on why veganism isn’t all that sustainable: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/veganism-environment-veganuary-friendly-food-diet-damage-hodmedods-protein-crops-jack-monroe-a8177541.html

Diana Rodger’s new project Kale vs Cow: https://www.generosity.com/fundraising/kale-vs-cow-the-case-for-better-meat–2

CJ Hunt’s project in a similar vein, Dispelling the Lies: https://www.classy.org/campaign/dispelling-the-lies-the-perfect-human-diet-2-animal-foods-real-story/c143660

Joel Salatin’s Ted Talk: Cows, Carbon, and Climate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z75A_JMBx4

And also, if you’re looking for the best resource to learning more about keto and how to do it in a smart, healthy way, check out Robb Wolf’s Keto Masterclass. Check it out at www.learnketonow.com


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