KDP Ep 021: Optimising Nutrition and Shifting Paradigms with Marty Kendall


*This episode originally aired on 5/7/18

Welcome back KD Tribe! Today we have our first recurring guest, Marty Kendall from Optimising Nutrition. If you remember, Marty was the very first guest on the show. It only made sense that going into episode 21 that we would circle back with Marty. If you have noticed, this show focuses on whole foods and nutrient density, and we believe wholeheartedly in what Marty is doing with his tool the Nutrient Optimiser.

Marty is an engineer whose interest in nutrition was spawned out of necessity trying to better manage his wife’s Type 1 diabetes as well as his own family history of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

In early 2015 he started blogging at OptimisingNutrition.com. He tries to provide clarity around many of the confusing and conflicting issues in nutrition, often using a quantitative approach.

While his blog posts can sometimes go deep on a topic, he has also worked to develop a shortlist of optimal foods to suit different goals by balancing the sometimes-competing parameters of nutrient density, insulin load and energy density.

His most recent project is the Nutrient Optimiser which consolidates his thinking into an automated system that reviews a person’s current diet to provide a shortlist of recommended foods to provide the nutrients they are not getting enough of while supporting their goals, whether they be diabetes control, weight loss, bodybuilding or athletic performance.

In this episode we cover:

Optimal blood sugar and ketones for nutritional ketosis

Why you shouldn’t chase high ketone levels if your goal is fat loss

Why insulin isn’t the devil that we’ve made it out to be

Why you may be overweight but not necessarily insulin resistant

Why “Personal Fat Threshold” is important and why you should care

If you are limiting calories, why you should focus on nutrient dense foods

Why your adipose tissue is actually a protective mechanism

The role of protein in the diet, and why we shouldn’t fear it in keto

Why hormones matter and why calories still matter.

Why tracking blood ketones becomes a waste of money for most people.

You can listen directly at these links!

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ketodontist-podcast/id1252428998?ls=1

Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/ketodontist-podcast

Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Itp6hga6aknibumb4gy7eveduqq

Podcast Homepage: http://ketodontist.libsyn.com

OPTIMAL KETONE AND BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS FOR KETOSIS: https://optimisingnutrition.com/2015/07/20/the-glucose-ketone-relationship/

DOES INSULIN RESISTANCE REALLY CAUSE OBESITY?: https://optimisingnutrition.com/2018/04/12/does-insulin-really-resistance-cause-obesity/

TED NAIMAN’S DAM FAT STORAGE INSULINOGRAPHIC EXPLAINED: https://optimisingnutrition.com/2018/05/03/ted-naimans-dam-fat-storage-insulinographic-explained

OPTIMAL PROTEIN SPARING MODIFIED FAST FOODS & MEALS (PSMF): https://optimisingnutrition.com/2017/06/17/psmf/

Facebook Listener group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1971127613205341/

The Nutrient Optimiser by Marty Kendall: https://nutrientoptimiser.com/

Ketogains Bootcamp which Sara is currently going through: http://www.ketogainsbootcamps.com/

Ketogains Macro Calculator: http://ketogains.com/ketogains-calculator

Lyle McDonald’s book Rapid Fat Loss Handbook (discussing PSMF): https://store.bodyrecomposition.com/product/rapid-fat-loss-handbook/

Dr. Benjamin Bikman’s Lecture: ‘Insulin vs. Glucagon: The relevance of dietary protein’

Affiliate Link to Robb Wolf’s Keto Masterclass: www.learnketonow.com


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