Day 1 of my 90 day N=1 Keto experiment


Today, February 6th (EDIT: I know, this wasn’t posted until 2/7; but it WAS written on 2/6), marks my 1st day under a fairly strict, 90 day self-experiment.  I will fully admit, I have not been practicing what I preach lately.  I have not been eating primal (booze and diet soda isn’t considered primal in case if you were wondering), and I haven’t been sticking to whole foods like I should be.  I’ve been using the transition with the offices and all the travel lately as an excuse.  And yes, while being on the road 4 out of the 5 weekends (New Year’s included) in January wasn’t a big help, there still isn’t a legit excuse.  Now that I’m done traveling so much and things are settling down at the office, I can do a deep dive into getting my nutrition on point and healing my body.


So here’s the deal:


For the next 90 days, I am going to be strict primal and keto.  Meaning no processed foods (other than some vitamins and supplements I’ll describe later), and I will be testing my BLOOD ketones using my newly acquired Precision Xtra blood glucose and ketone meter.


Starting point:

Weignt: 329 lbs

Waist: 55″

Day 1 Blood Ketone reading:  0.1 mmol (ie NOT in ketosis, remember nutritional ketosis is generally considered 0.5-3 mmol)




For my breakdown in calories, I used the Ketogains macro calculator.  This is IMO one of the best nutritional calculators on the Internet, especially if you’re wanting to be in ketosis.   You can find it here:


My breakdown is like this:  1860 calories (shooting for a 25% deficit).  Shooting for about 150 grams of protein, 25 grams or less of carbs, and 125 grams of fat.


Meal plan and supplements:

In the morning after any recordings needed for the day, a Keto OS shake.  Keto OS is an supplement that is a supply of exogenous (made outside of the body) ketones in the form of beta hydroxybutyrate.  I’ve been reading some interesting stuff from folks like Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Dominic D’Agostino  on the therapeutic benefit of exogenous ketones that I’m going to give it a try.  We’ll see how it goes.  That being said, I AM NOT RELYING on this.  No pill, powder, or potion will make up for a crappy diet.   Total calories: 41-100 depending on the form and flavor.  I’ll be alternating between Max Maui Punch and Orange Dream.


1st meal of the day: 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, black coffee or tea.  280 calories


2nd meal of the day:  Large salad with either a can of Tuna or Sardines with a high quality dressing.  650-800 calories.


3rd meal of the day:  Fatty cut of meat and green leafy or non starchy veggies.  ~700 calories.



As far as exercise goes, I’ll be doing some bodyweight work (pushups, squats, pull ups, and planks), along with some yoga and kettlebell swings.  And I’m going to try to get out for a walk over my lunch hour if the weather permits.  This exercise is really for general health, strength, and flexibility.  It’s not really to lose weight, as many studies have shown that exercise is ineffective for weight loss


There you have it.  I’ll be checking in at least once a week, but ideally I’ll be posting when I measure blood ketones which I’ll be doing every other day.  I’d do every day, but those strips are damn expensive.


Stay tuned!



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